Thursday, May 25, 2006

Boston Organics

I signed up for a weekly food delivery from a company called Boston Organics.  The first delivery arrived last week and contained a mixture of fruits and vegetables (I signed up for the 50/50 option).  Each week the content changes based on what's in season so opening the box was fun (though you can see what's coming by looking on the website).  The first delivery had bananas, oranges, apples, strawberries, pineapple, grapefruit, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, lettuce, eggplant, zucchini and carrots (and probably one or two other things I've forgotten).  The only downside was that I was away for several nights right after the delivery arrived so eating everything while it was still fresh was a problem for this week.  Other than that, getting things that I would probably never buy myself and then figuring out how to best prepare and cook them is turning out to be a lot of fun.  The customer service has also been very responsive to a few delivery changes that I needed to make (changing to weekly delivery of the smaller, $25 bin).  So, if you're looking for a steady supply of fresh, organically grown produce delivered direct to your door, you should definitely check them out!

Next year I may change to purchasing a share at a local farm, but most shares were already sold out for this year.  Though I did consider working 1 day a week at one of the farms in exchange for a share.  In addition to the food, I might actually learn things I could use in my own garden!

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